You must be aware of the effects of your clothing in your life—in your home, school, community, workplace, and so forth. Your clothing is continually at work. You can’t hide it. It can work for you or against you.
- Your clothing and grooming affect the way you think.
You can’t afford to think negatively due to some aspect of your appearance. When you appear authentic, attractive, and appropriate, you think more positively about yourself, your situation, and others.
- Your clothing and grooming affect the way you feel.
You can’t afford to feel depressed, unproductive, uncomfortable, antagonistic, argumentative, self-conscious, inferior, or full of self-doubt. A positive personal appearance is a fast, effective way to boost self-confidence and overcome anxiety regarding ability or acceptance. When you appear attractively dressed and groomed, personally authentic, and appropriate for the occasion, you feel more comfortable, confident, capable, cooperative and productive.
- Your clothing and grooming affect the way you act or behave.
You can’t afford to act awkward, insecure, submissive, out-of-place, or out-of-order. Nor can you afford to act defensive, defiant, arrogant, aggressive, affected, superior, or conceited. A positive personal appearance is one of the most effective ways to improve behavior and enhance performance level or productivity. When you appear attractively dressed and groomed, personally authentic, and appropriate for the occasion, you act more secure, at ease, mannerly, competent, and naturally able to do your best.
- Your clothing and grooming affect the way others react or respond to you.
Your appearance is the one personal characteristic that is immediately obvious and accessible to others. You can’t hide it. Your appearance makes a strong statement about your personality, values, attitudes, interests, knowledge, abilities, roles, and goals. You can’t afford to be seen as disrespectful, antagonistic, pretentious, scatter-brained, irresponsible, ineffective, or unproductive. You can’t afford to create a negative impression or to build barriers between you and others because of an unattractive, inappropriate, distracting, or offensive appearance. When you appear attractively dressed and groomed, personally authentic, and appropriate for the occasion, you create a positive impression and others are more able to perceive your positive traits and regard you more favorably.