- If in doubt about what to wear to a business lunch, plan to dress in:
- a suit—Level 4.
- an outfit with a jacket—Level 3.
- an outfit with a sweater—Level 2.
- jeans and a t-shirt—Level 1.
Answer: b
- During the meal, place a purse or briefcase:
- on the floor beside you.
- over the back of your chair.
- on the table beside your plate.
- on the table above your plate.
Answer: a
- Elbows on the table are not acceptable
- while eating.
- before the meal is served
- between courses.
- after the meal is finished.
Answer: a
- Recommended topics of conversation can be
- about surgeries and income.
- about sex and racism.
- about anything non-controversial.
- about anything excitingly controversial.
Answer: c
- When do I put my napkin in my lap?
- When you first sit down.
- When your neighbor puts his on his lap.
- When everyone is seated.
- When your mouth gets messy.
Answer: a
- When excusing yourself from the table momentarily,
- place your napkin on the table to the left.
- place your napkin on your seat.
- place your napkin over the back of your chair.
- place your napkin on the table to the right.
Answer: b
- Which one is my bread plate?
- The one on your right.
- The one on your left.
Answer: b
- Regarding the use of utensils,
- start from the outside and work inward toward the plate.
- start with the largest first and work to the smallest.
- start from the inside and work outward away from the plate.
- start with whatever utensil you like.
Answer: a
- Table food is passed to the
- person across the table.
- person on your right.
- person on your left.
- person who is the hungriest.
Answer: b
- Cut your food
- all at once and begin eating.
- a few pieces at a time.
- one piece at a time.
- in big pieces to finish first.
Answer: c
- When not in use, place your knife
- on the side edge of your plate.
- on the table, to the right side of your plate.
- across the top of y our plate.
- in your mouth and lick it clean.
Answer: c
- If you get a tough piece of gristle in your mouth,
- simply spit it into your napkin.
- say, Yuk, and spit it onto your plate.
- demand another piece of meat.
- remove and place it on the edge of your plate.
Answer: d